Data Visualization, BI Portal, Portal BI, Data Management Platform

BI Portal Privacy Policy

The Protection of Personal Information Act 2013 (Act 4 of 2013) comes into force on 30 June 2021.

The act is a comprehensive data protection law to govern the collection, use, storage, transfer, sharing, and destruction of personal information by public and private bodies. The purpose of the POPI Act is to: Protect the constitutional right to privacy. Balance this right against others, such as the right to freedom of expression and the right to access information. Regulate the way personal information is processed while keeping international standards in mind. Provide people with the means to protect their personal information.

All clients have the option to opt in and opt out of any BI Portal communication and distribution lists such as Emails, WhatsApp, Telegram, SMS, and phone calls. Clients are requested to contact BI Portal if they want to be removed from the distribution lists of the communication channels.

The client agrees that all information provided to BI Portal is correct given in good faith and as complete as possible. The client agrees to notify BI Portal as soon as any of the personal information changes to ensure that data is correct, complete, and up to date.

BI Portal collects all the personal information in their mandates and reviews forms to fulfill its obligations to the client to deliver a technology service and its lawful obligations to all Statutory Bodies and Operators. Any queries regarding the privacy policy can be made to the Managing Director (Wilco Swanepoel).

According to agreements and policies set in place, all Operators / Third Parties that have access to client information will keep the personal information confidential and safe. The information will only be used for the intended purpose that it was sent to the Operator and as agreed upon by the client. BI Portal either has a POPI agreement in place with them or their privacy policy sufficiently addresses the requirements with regards to POPI.

BI Portal undertakes not to disclose confidential information of a client except where such disclosure is: Made under compulsion of law or in terms of the rules.

Follows a duty to the public to disclose. Necessary to further the legitimate interest of the client. Made with the consent of the client. BI Portal will take every precaution to safeguard a client's personal information and will never give the information to a third party without the client's consent. Clients need to have a measure of control over how their personal information is processed. BI Portal is required to supply the following information to the data subject (client) on request:

Confirmation that BI Portal does hold the client's personal information. A record or description of the personal information held. The identity of all third parties who have or have had access to the personal information. The data subject (client) has the right to access, view, and request correction or deletion of their personal information.

If Bi Portal does not provide the above-mentioned information to the client, a formal request can be submitted to the Information Regulator as set out in the PAIA legislation. Any complaints against BI Portal regarding the POPI act can be made to the Information Officer of the Deputy Information Officer or when unresolved to the Information regulator. Contact details of the Information Regulator and Information Officers are:

Information Regulator Address:
JD House, 27 Stiemens Street, Braamfontein, Johannesburg, 2001.
Postal Address; P.O. Box 31533, Braamfontein, Johannesburg, 2017.
Complaints: / General Enquiries:

Wilco Swanepoel
Managing Director